Tööalane inglise keel C1 tasemele, 240 ak.t. (120 ak.t. kontakttunde + 120 ak.t. iseseisva töö tunde), ONLINE
Kursuse Info
Toimumisajad 14.01.2025 – 25.09.2025
Kursuse Info
- Lektor Rachel Armstrong
- Lektor Rachel Armstrong
- Lektor Rachel Armstrong
- Lektor Rachel Armstrong
- Lektor Rachel Armstrong
- Lektor Rachel Armstrong
- Lektor Rachel Armstrong
Õppe kogumaht on 240 ak.t., millest kontakttundide arv õpetajaga on 120 ak.t. ning iseseisva töö maht on 120 ak.t.
Õppe sihtgrupp: The C1 Business English course provides students with the language and business skills they need to succeed in competitive international and local business environments. Each level starts with the About Business section, offering an overview of key business concepts, to help introduce information and language for specific subject areas using key topics such as economics, organization, CV writing, and more.
Specially formulated speaking tasks and case studies help students build their confidence to communicate and develop interpersonal skills. The case studies provide authentic, problem-solving situations, allowing students to apply all the language skills and ideas they have learned to those encountered in real business environments. Additional case studies relating to relevant topical business-related subjects, which are used to generate new ideas, illustrate theories, and showcase different aspects of business results.
Relevant and interesting reading texts challenge students and provide context for the presentations of a new language, as well as opportunities for discussion.
Transparent business links in each module present core business topics such as international trade, finance, sales and marketing, and personal development.
Full writing module and a case study per unit
Speaking sections cover all relevant business communication skills such as giving presentations, handling negotiations, and chairing meetings
Internet research boxes provide a context for extra study
Student’s grammar reference, and extensive grammar and vocabulary practice material
Test every two units to review progress
Business documents (letters, invoices, CVs, etc)
Class audio recordings
Role play
Teachers own presentation and notes
Õpiväljundid C1 tasemel:
Mõistab keerulisemaid, pikemaid tekste ja oskab vahet teha sünonüümidel ning neid õiges kontekstis kasutada.
Oskab väljendada end soravalt ning spontaalselt ilma otsimata õigeid sõnu või väljendeid.
Oskab suhelda erinevatel teemadel nii sotsiaalsetes, akadeemilistes kui ka professionaalsetes olukordades.
Oskab koostada keerukatel teemadel hästi struktureeritud, detailseid tekste kasutades õigeid sõnu, lause struktuuri ning sidesõnasid.
Skills at C1 level/Õpiväljundid:
- He/she can understand a wide range of more demanding, longer texts, and recognize implicit meaning in them.
- He/she can express him/herself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for the right expression.
- He/she can use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes. He/she can produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, showing correct use of organizational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices.Textbook/Õpik:
‘McMillian Business Language’ exercise books and audio material, ‘Cambridge’ tests/exercises plus Market Leader Course books, Collins Grammar/Murphy Grammar, TED Talks, British Council course work, and much more.
Rachel Armstrong is a fully certified Management Training Consultant who can provide Management & Staff Training plus Business Coaching and Mentoring Services in English. Also, specifically tailored programs, which are designed and delivered to meet the particular needs of each client and the business results they require. Permanently living in Tallinn, native English language speaker, (Irish Citizen), a degree in ‘Human Resource Management & Business’. 15 + Years Experience of Coaching/Training/
Kursuse lõpetamise tingimused:
Tunnistus väljastatakse neile, kes on sooritanud lõputesti ning osalenud tundides vähemalt 70%. Need, kes osalevad kursusel vähem ning ei sooritada lõputesti, saavad tõendi koolitusel osalemise kohta vastavas protsendi mahus, mil osaleti.
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11/02/2025 16:30 - 23/10/2025 18:00
City Keeltekool
Tartu mnt 14 - 5, Tallinn